Monday, July 8, 2024


LESSON FROM THE HURRICANE Here in Houston,(or at least for me personally) the effects of storm Beryl so far have not been devastating as the storms that effect people sometimes are. The main immediate aspect is no electricity, which means limit use of phone so as to save the battery charge. This helps us (me?) see how mentally i have become dependent on phone in its various functions. While we are not in need of help, the thought does cross mind to reach out by phone. But to whom? and what help could that one or ones give, divided by distance? Or what help could I give, again divided by distance? This exemplifies the truth that GOD is our source. When we cannot do anythin' else, we can go to our Glorious, Wonderful, all Powerful and Loving God for help. He can give better help than mankind and men and people at our best and most effective. Lord, help us to truly believe and know and remember this true thing, Dear, Dear God. So, this aligns with my theme of this blog, (in my mind.) The fighting of 1776 war for independence was men trying to do that, not turning to our Creator to sort it out and make it right. Now, i do not know the particulars, and what and how many prayers went up to our Lord for help. i don't know what sorts of things the fighters and leaders of revolutionaries heard that they consider ed to be the Lord's leading. i note that this blog is my thinking, without full knowledge of these above mentioned particulars.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

2024 TAKE ON 1776

2024 TAKE ON 1776 Out of commitment to my original theme of this blog- to ask how the decisions around the 1776 American Revolution agree with what Jesus taught- i will now write an annual post specifically on a related theme. ...*** to be continued. theme will be the special work of women

Thursday, July 4, 2024


DON'T WASTE A TRAGEDY I suggest above phrase as a title to pastors who feel compelled to speak about our current 2024 cultural, spiritual and political situation in the United States. instead of defending a position on either side of the issues, one can see how this HOBBLING has parallels in the Bible

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


EPICENTER I was at the Jewish Community Center here in Southwest Houston recently for a meeting of the HOA in our neighborhood. I felt just a bit awkward and shunned by others and wondered if it really was that way; and was because our house and property are not as tidy as they should be; or because my face is scarred (acne as well as a recent non identified rash on my face which has left new permanent or semi permanent scars); or was it because I wore- in this dedicated space for jewish people and by Jewish people, and in this group of neighbors, many of whom were jewish- a necklace with the Hebrew name for the One whom the jews are forbidden to embrace as their Messiah. ooo! that last phrase was loaded! Yes, I wore my "Yeshua" necklace that daughter had given me. And as the Lord worked it out, I wore it with a plain dark blue tee shirt and dark red jacket that allowed the name to be seen clearly for those that read Hebrew. yeay, God! anyway (and didn't feel bad about not too much interaction), that reminded me about a quest that I've been on for several years now. so i tell you now. ... continuing June 12, 2024 I was driving by the Houston/ meyerland jcc several years ago, which is on a verdant stretch of s. braeswood between chimney rock and Hillcroft with the vista of the open land and bayou to the north- beautiful spot; I thought of that verse, ISAIAH 25:7, and I pondered, and asked the Lord: How can it be that You can wipe away every tear and take away the disgrace of...? How can people forget all the pain that has been endured? would not that be the same as forgetting the people who endured the pain? and we don't want to forget those people, Lord. Isn't that so, Lord? Okay, people. Here goes: Somehow, i felt the Lord impress upon me that the answer to that seemingly impossible promise, ISAIAH 25:7, was something that hadn't been revealed before. Uh oh! A seed to the answer was planted many years earlier when my sister (Sarah) told me that she had started to regularly pray for people and their events that had happened in the past, not concerning herself with the fact that the events are past to us and supposedly the results are known and set because that time has, in fact, passed. Sally Sarah told me she was inspired to include such prayers in her reaching out to our God because of the teaching and beliefs expressed by Charles Williams, the British Christian author and friend of C. S. Lewis. (I later read a novel by Williams where a character does pray for someone in the past.) I went into "WHAT IF" mode. What if the Lord desires and has ordained that in order to bring about His Will and glorious kingdom in this Earth His followers have to unite in prayer and in faith for a person or persons in the past at a pivotal time in the History of Mankind (I was thinking of a time event after Christ's ascension and before now. I would also think that such a pivotal time would be before Christ's church started going off the rails; before that church became majority man; before church lost the hallmark of sacrificial love and strong obedience to God.) (to be continued)

Friday, May 10, 2024


minority report I was part of a (phone/ zoom) Bible study this Tuesday. I had a very different opinion/ belief from the majority (vocal majority, at least). I remained pretty much silent about my beliefs. As the conversation continued, I DID formulate in my mind (the Lord gave me this?) The passage was JOHN 15:6-19, maybe. One of the main themes of passage is Jesus' call for unity of believers. (Last week's passage dwelt on our need to be attached to Jesus and gaining our lifeblood from Him.) the Methodists- who are as a denomination in the midst of disintegration about changes to the accepted theological foundations of our sect- are facing the dichotomy of unity/ disunity. the new thought was: WHAT ABOUT UNITY WITH THE FOUNDERS AND CARRIERS OF THE FAITH AND SECT IN THE PAST. WHAT ABOUT UNITY WITH OUR MAKER AND LORD?

Friday, April 19, 2024


often, when i see the word "sin" i think about the fact that in Spanish that means without. i wonder if it also in Latin is like that and if that is truly the root of the word in English. there IS another word in Latin- scandalon, but i think that like in English it more refers to the exposed sin. Those two concepts are so close, theologically: sinning, and being without God.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Shalom, Friends. This day i am watching on Houston channel 55 a group of tv preachers/ teachers. These different ones seem to be humble, sincere followers of Jesus (Yeshua). (4 teachers - independent, Catholic, independent, Church of Christ- all seeking to speak the true truth, helpful truth of God's Word.) ok, I'm listing five. Sunday mornings 6:00. Terry Anderson Lilly Grove 6:30. Jeremy Pfiels Accelerate Church 7:00. (fr.) Chapin in West Virginia 7:30. Phil of Abba's House, Tennessee 8:00. Phil Sanders church of christ we do not watch all five of these on any given Sunday (i am concerned about us followers of Jesus spending too much time consuming even wonderful "God's Word" and ending up with less time for living out His will for us.), but i like to think they are connected amongst themselves and in God's beautiful, glorious family, endeavoring to give out God's good news all over the place.