Friday, March 9, 2018


Intro to Yeshua, part 2

In the previous post I forgot to discuss a very important aspect about our Savior, Jesus, Yeshua.

"Yeshua", His name, definitely strongly identifies Jesus, Yeshua, as being specifically from the Jewish faith as preserved by the Jewish people and religion.
The name strongly connects Him with Yahweh, the God of the Jews. (One of the main themes of the "old testament" of the Christian Bible is that Yahweh revealed Himself to Abraham [spoke to Abraham and made His presence known to Abraham and specifically told Abraham that He, God, would work with Abraham's descendents to bring God's good will on this Earth. GENESIS 12:2&3.] God didn't call Himself Yahweh then, when He was talking to Abraham. I guess that God (Yahweh) and Abraham both knew that Abraham knew that he was talking to the one real, true God that could really talk back to a person who called on Him and could actually do things. Later, 14 generations later, God (Yahweh) called on Moses to be God's man on the ground, God's spokesman, or agent, to rescue Abraham's descendents who were in Egypt being oppressed. Moses said to God, "How will they know you sent me? Who should I say sent me to help them?"  God (Yahweh) told Moses to tell them "Yahweh" , meaning "I am, I was and I will be", had sent you (Moses) to them.

We Christians generally call our Creator "God". God is actually a generic, universal name used by many religions.

In this 21st century, we have to discuss again whether it is important to actually specify that when we say "God", we mean our Creator God who has revealed Himself and identified Himself as the God of Abraham and the Jews.
And revealed Himself specifically in the Jewish and Christian Bible.


Dismantling the Barriers

about the language we use,  especially in praying. The barriers of speaking in 3rd person or the hypothetical or . . . Give examples
"Let us pray"
"We pray, Dear Lord, that"
"Bless the Lord"
"God is good"

Those are all good things to say, but they can and do put a distance between us and our dear Creator.

Jesus brought us closer to our Creator with "Our Father (Who is in heaven), Your name is holy. (We are agreeing with You in this prayer for) Your (beautiful, perfect) will (plan) to come (to be) on this Earth as it is (already) in (Your) heaven."

I'm going to put here the above portion of the "Lord's prayer" without the parentheses words added, and WITH the "traditional" words so those who don't already know the "Lord's prayer" can read what it is that us Christian are always saying:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. . .

Jesus spoke directly and intimately to God as His Father. AND, He was instructing His disciples on the scene and all those who will follow Him -instructing us to pray to God in the same way.

When you are praying, if you feel your words ARE creating a distance between you and God -keeping God at a distance- then keep changing the words to bring you closer to the One who made you and loves you ever so much as His precious child and creation made like Him in so many ways ("in His image").

Jesus even said that a good prayer can be "Abba!" Abba is the Hebrew word for "Daddy" or "Dada", the first name that babies say for their fathers.

Blessings to you in this 2019.