Tuesday, May 26, 2020



Many people are dying from Covid-19 during this season, and during the pandemic. Death is part of life. This pandemic is different because it is unknown; and because it makes us feel responsible for others. We are all tense, and are all, at least through end of April, hearing about the horrors of the bad cases of covid-19 and of the overwhelmed and anxious workers having to deal with the Ill or with the stress of unknown about being infected and /or infecting others, especially loved ones, and long hours.  Also, we are  stressed because other nations are experiencing a nightmare; and we expect expect that we, too, will go  through that. Our minds are so filled with those thoughts that the thoughts that God wants us to think and the things He wants us to do are totally squeezed out of our minds and lives.

What would God want us to do if we are getting sick and suspect that it is covid-19 and that we might die soon, and that we will be made unconscious and no longer an active agent of earth even sooner that that, very shortly, in fact?

I think God would want us to express thanks towards Him that He made us and this Earth. I think God would want us to humbly receive His gift of eternal life by humbly acknowledging Him and His right to judge us and our lives as He wants, since He is the Creator and we are His creation, both individually and as this whole universe.

So please, my friends,  be ready. Please speak to our Creator and "walk humbly with your God". Receive Jesus (Yeshua is Jesus' true name, Hebrew name. Yeshua, which means Yahweh, the God introduced and followed by the Jewish people and told about in the Bible,-this same Yahweh saves. Yeshua saves ALL.)

And dear friend, if and when  you know our Lord and Savior, Our Creator, Jesus, please include some words about your faith in Him to those around you in that short window of opportunity that you may have. And speak to the air if you must, if no one's there that you can see. (Remember God is there!) Or if those around you are so intent on trying to save your life or keep from getting sick themselves that they aren't listening, just say something good to God, while you're here in Earth.

Dear ones, please think about this ahead of time so you will be ready when your time comes. Love to you.


Response to . . . Caveats

In that other post, I expressed that we need to warn those who come after us- either in reading a book after us or in whatever other way you might encounter- when we have come to the understanding in the midst of reading the book that we disagree with some of what has been established in that book by the author and publisher. We owe it to a subsequent reader to warn them (especially if they are young) of (what we believe to be) an untruth and/or unhelpful direction that the author (with the support of the publisher) has proposed.

This post is slightly different. The theme that connects these two posts is the principle of carefully observing and analyzing a new proposition rather than accepting it as OK or wonderful or having received a cultural stamp of approval because it's been published. (Also, I'm sorry folks, but I DO have to include here the truth that just because something has been accepted and promoted by the culture does not mean that that something is in agreement with what our Creator God wants for us.)

Anyway, this post is simply about the time a magazine came into the house with a large photo of someone's face on the cover who had painted their face or agreed to being painted, including goulish contact lenses for Halloween themed "fun" -this was on the front cover! As a mother, wife and homemaker, I took the initiative to paint over that pic to make it less horrific. I am sure I censored pics in like manner on other occasions. I think that is GOOD! not bad! Why should someone who happens to have the backing of a publisher or other with money- why should that one have more influence over my children and household than I do? That's all I have to say right now. Bless you, friends.