Bro Shane, with his blog SEMINARY DROPOUT, interviewed Brother N.T. Wright. i was so thankful and blessed to be able to hear their discussion . bro wright summed up his understanding of what we, as Christians are called by God to do. (this is my recollection)
"As Jesus to the Jews, so the Church to the World." Meaning that our job as Christians is to do amazing and beautiful and loving and challenging things that cause non Christians to ask what and why. and then bro wright said, answer them with a cryptic parable expressing God. Well, that's what n.t. said.
any way, the first part makes sense to me. maybe the second part has to do with people- hearers- internalizing God's truths by coming to conclusions themselves instead of having another explain something to them as a superior to an underling.
oooh! Did i use the word "underling"?
Anyway, that was a wonderful, inspiring interview.