Saturday, November 25, 2023


GUS ELOWITZ was the rabbi of BETH YESHUA HA MASHIACH in Houston, Texas up until his passing. This, as you can tell by the name, is a messianic congregation (not considered a "real" Jewish congregation by other Jewish groups that do not accept Jesus Yeshua as the Messiah spoken of in the Bible.) Brother Elowitz came and spoke to our women's group a few years before his passing. the first year he gave his testimony of how he came to believe in Yeshua. The next time he came, he asked if he could speak based on a paper he had written and had submitted to, i think, the NEW YORK TIMES. We agreed, of course. (the NYT had rejected his submission.) The title of Brother Elowitz' paper was THE SEVENFOLD ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: WHO KILLED JESUS? First let me list the seven that bro elowitz names, as best that i can. This talk was almost 20 years ago, i think. i haven't tried to remember the entirety in quite a while. please bear with me. God, the Father JESUS the Jews Satan the Romans every human being, individually (i don't know who was the seventh. Maybe you can think who that might be.) Bro Elowitz, of course, had scriptural references for each segment of his stated theory (SEVENFOLD ... WHO...) For example, perhaps, verse: EPHESIANS 1:5 "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself...."v.7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, ... v.8 which He lavished on us.... intention... purposed" these all indicated that the Father (and Son Jesus) choose to cause Jesus' death, as a sacrifice for all who would call on Jesus to be their sacrifice and take their punishment. Now, I want to turn to the aspect of God's plan that i will call "timing". If it was God's plan that Jesus die for the sins of the World, the Lord and Jesus had to "make" it happen. That means that They must choose the time in history of Israel when the people in charge were antagonistic to the plan and will of God. And, They, the Planners, Father and Son, had to even push the (free will) wrong-hearted leaders (that is, aggravate, "egg on" the antagonists) in order for the sacrifice to happen. Jesus spoke of "timing" a few times. He said things like: My time is not yet come; it is not yet time i wonder if He also referred to God's timing when He said "one does not light a lamp and put it under a bushel." Could He be referring to God's very specific instructions to Gideon wherein the warriors were to in fact have lamps lit and confined to a jar until the appointed time when all were to break the jars and shine the lights and defeat the enemy by confusing them? i wonder, too, if Jesus' pointing out the "poor fig tree" i referred to earlier, another day, might be another instance of Jesus speaking of timing. those verses indicate that Jesus was looking for figs when it was not even the time for figs. is that right? is that what happened? was Jesus saying that it had to be this way? that the Jewish establishment had to reject Jesus as the Messiah in order that prophecy be fulfilled? that God PICKED this WRONG time when the Jewish leaders of that day did not have the fruit of being open to the Lord's work in their days?