Devaluing the riches in your presence
This post is all a bunch of conjecture. I'm just admitting this and warning you up front.
It is about my idea that in the history of the English language, there are some words that came from Hebrew and Jewish languages that are not correctly identified as to "give credit" to Hebrew.
I was going to keep this maverick theory to myself, except that recently I have learned that England as well as much of Europe is living through a time ofdecrease in Christian commitment, influence, activity and observable relevance. The reasons for this decline are many, but I wonder if my theory is correct and that we are reaping harvest from that particular wrong that needs to be righted.
SHALL --- from shalom;
Salvation --- Might better be translated "shalomization"?
"robin" from "raboni"; robinhood from " chad" a group (must put discussion of "chad" first. I suspect that "Chad" from the Hebrew (pronounced "hod") is the source of hood. "chad" in Hebrew is the word used in the Shmah where it is translated as " ... the Lord your God is ONE. "Chad" means"one" there. that describes the Jews' monotheism, believing that there is only one God. Jews are very uncomfortable or rejecting of the Christian belief in Jesus as the "son of God" because they see that as Christians saying they worship more than one god. this is where the concept of the Trinity comes in. We Christians believe that God is one ("chad") and that the three parts of Him/ Them work in total agreement and unity. In GENESIS and other parts of the Bible, God DOES refer to himself in plural.