Monday, February 9, 2009


Dear Friends,

Thomas L. Pangle, I see, is on the U of Houston campus today and tomorrow, giving a lecture named "Debating the American Founding". The lecture is Tuesday, Feb.10, 2009 at 5pm, at the Honors College.

I cannot ignore this coincidence. I am trying to get this very blog started, in which I am trying to get people to consider whether the 1776 decision was a "Christian decision", and now comes a man who is opening up discussion on a related subject . Since I am wanting to get the word out about this blog and my ideas, I thought about giving out cards at this event or asking questions from my perspective to the speaker, Dr. Pangle, if questioning is offered.

I don't know if I will be able to go. However I hope to communicate with the man. I read (Wiki) that he admired the work/thoughts of Leo Strauss. I read (Wiki) about Strauss and his thoughts. I read (Wiki) about Paul Tillich, whom Strauss, who grew up as a jew, at one point had wanted to study with. (That did not work out. I wonder why. It makes me wonder if Strauss wanted to see if Tillich could convince him of Christianity's verity.)

Your Friend and fellow wonderer, Joan Mazzu

1 comment:

  1. I did e-mail Dr. Pangle. And He e-mailed me back. Wow. He said his area of study was the formulating of a democratic government, and dealt with the events after the American Revolution. That was nice of him to respond.
