Thursday, March 19, 2009


When I was in college, I would sometimes ride the bus home. I enjoyed these mini-adventures. I remember one time, or maybe more than once, seeing a young black man (in his 20's or 30's) preaching to the people passing by or maybe just to the air. I remember I was so proud of that young man that he was representing God, reminding people that God and His words are important.

Later I would ponder the special place that street preachers have, in contrast to ministers who preach from the pulpit.

Whereas ministers who are ordained and are representatives of church organizations must consider their words and maybe even censor them, street preachers , I would think , would be more willing to express "politically incorrect" ideas.

As I admired that street preacher, I also want to follow his example.
I feel that my job here is to express ideas that are not presently expressed or accepted. Of course I ask and encourage any readers to decide for themselves if what I am "putting out there" is valid or not valid.

One person that I admire is John Lienhard. In his daily radio spots on KUHF, he often points out that pioneers (in various areas of science and technology) are sometimes dismissed as crackpots or at least misguided only to be proved right by later developments.

In CHASING DAYLIGHT, which I recommend, author Erwin McManus encourages Christians to follow God even when they are scared of the response of others (among many possible troubles.)

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