Monday, March 21, 2011

get back to this essay on articles in 3-20-2011 HOU CHRON

draft- - In yesterday's HOUSTON CHRONICLE there was a review by - - of a book, I AM J, about a transsexual teen who always thought of him or herself an a male, a boy.
The reviewer, the author and the teen in the book all have the same attitude about the youth's quest to become male- that it is right. I disagree. I want to use the reviewer's review as a basis of an essay coming from MY world view.
Since I don't have that review in front of me right now, that will have to be later.
I remember 15 or 20 years ago, when I heard some Christians speak of "world view" and how the culture was in the process of teaching a misguided world view to the young, I thought that those ones were silly and paranoid to worry that way.
Now, this 20 years later, I think they were right, at least in that; and I was wrong.
I sort of knew what the reviewer's, author's and fictional youth's attitude (one, identical) was before I read the review.
one of the things I really appreciated about Charlie Kaufman's movie, SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK was his expose' (in my view) of the enormous effect of being raised and inculcated in a certain world view. It was heart-breaking, and so true.
(I hope 'inculcate' is the right word.)

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