Wednesday, October 26, 2016


These maybe days of sadness for U S citizens , with both the Republican and Democrat parties not very good.
I lost faith in the Dem party when they made abortion rights a permanent part of their mission and identity.
My faith in the Rep party is dwindling in response to their having been overwhelmed by the secret and not-so-secret influence of the Koch brothers. (the "citizens united" decision of the US Supreme Court paved the way for their humongous power in election s.)

What this time in our political history CAN be is a parable, an analogy, a way for us all to understand what the dynamics of the Jewish religion may have been at the time of Jesus' rejection by the Jewish establishment.

This is important, because Jews who will not considered Jesus' claims have made that decision- not to consider . . .- based on their belief that the Jewish leaders that were on the scene and made the decision to reject Jesus, made their decision in good faith , and "to the best of their ability. "

We can all see that during this time, campaign 2016 and the 1 or 2 years leading up to it, there has been a chokepoint , pinchpoint, a layer of leaders who have held too much power and have not had the best interests of the many in their heart s.

Can anyone other than me see a parallel here? Please say yes.

Can this be a way to encourage our precious neighbors, the Jews, to consider Jesus, that Jew? I pray so.

So I ask that Christian leaders and other leaders  use this present political situation in US to encourage individuals to consider that some decisions that were made in the past by past community leaders were not the best.

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