Wednesday, February 23, 2011


at present, egypt has, by popular protest, ousted mubarak. Libyan people who are protesting Ghadafi's dictatorship are under attack by Ghadafi who has brought in mercenaries to attack his people.
the topic of my blog is: rethinking the 1776 decision. Therefore, of course i think about these activities to bring about freedom from that perspective. I don't know if i'm right. Jesus did say "I have come to set the captive free . . . ." But I take that to mean free from spiritual oppression and the power of sin and death. At any rate, we can and need to pray for those in the turmoil areas. Pray that Holy Spirit will restrain the violence; that the innocent will be protected by angels; that God's Kingdom will come so very soon. And Holy Spirit, pray for us (as in Romans 8, around verse 25) the prayer that needs to be.