Saturday, February 24, 2024


Shalom, Friends. This day i am watching on Houston channel 55 a group of tv preachers/ teachers. These different ones seem to be humble, sincere followers of Jesus (Yeshua). (4 teachers - independent, Catholic, independent, Church of Christ- all seeking to speak the true truth, helpful truth of God's Word.) ok, I'm listing five. Sunday mornings 6:00. Terry Anderson Lilly Grove 6:30. Jeremy Pfiels Accelerate Church 7:00. (fr.) Chapin in West Virginia 7:30. Phil of Abba's House, Tennessee 8:00. Phil Sanders church of christ we do not watch all five of these on any given Sunday (i am concerned about us followers of Jesus spending too much time consuming even wonderful "God's Word" and ending up with less time for living out His will for us.), but i like to think they are connected amongst themselves and in God's beautiful, glorious family, endeavoring to give out God's good news all over the place.

Friday, February 23, 2024


this post is about the violence being done to the English language by SOMEBODY. (I don't think I've commented on this yet.) the word "they" already had a solid specific meaning. it meant PLURAL other, third person plural. please, people, it doesn't make sense to use a word that has a specific, established meaning attaching a different meaning to it. i have read many articles in the newspaper and other public forums where the use of "they" to mean a person who wants to be called "they" had really confused the facts of the article. In newspapers especially, conveying facts is the primary job of the organization (supposedly). that makes this additional confusion caused by this kidnapping of this word so ironic.