Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Day End Quiet Time

I have been thinking of a particular child in my care recently, and that she openly rebels against me. She is not the only one that acts out , but yesterday, her choices were particularly bothering to me.

Historically, "classroom management" has been difficult for me. I think here about three  changes that I will make:
     First, I will interact with the children myself when they need to be stopped, "called out", or redirected at times when I am  one of three teachers in the class, instead of walking the child to the lead teacher for the lead teacher to correct the child. (In the past, I've been doing the latter considering that it is more respectful to the lead teacher and reinforces the teacher's authority. However, now, I think I need to create in the children a sense of my own authority as their teacher.) Also, at home I need to experiment with different voices to express authority and seriousness without sounding too angry, stressed or severe.
     Second, I will really make great effort to express to each child my great love and affection for each one. The child care training authority, Maryln Appelbaum, and others often say you can not care for children properly until they know that you care for them with your heart, too. (The actual quote is much better than that.)
I think that in the past, I have tried to tone down my affection to the children when they have graduated to next level so each one can bond with the teachers of the next class. But now that I put that down in words, I see how not correct that is. That's not good at all! So I will change that.
     Third, I will have something at the end of the day that the children can look forward to that is pleasant. In the case of the dear one who irritated me so, yesterday, i think she gets angry and uncooperative because she is bored and resentful of being at school so long - and physically tired, too.

The thought that first came to my mind is that I used to have some videos of the tv series THE WALTONS. Those would be good. That would be an expression of what I think relaxing at the end of the day should be. That content, in particular, instead of the content that another has quickly chosen because it is bright and animated, I would definitely want to try for the end of the day. If it turns out that I gave that WALTON collection away, I would consider purchasing something else for that purpose/ time. (That would be my "stamp" , my particular choice of what to offer the children at that time.) I will also consider doing another pleasant teaching or activity at the end of the day -that is my own.  But I think that first, I want to use the "TV" to calm and relax the children in that time slot from 5 to 6pm. (I'm a little shocked that I am considering using TV in childcare, but I really think it might be appropriate for this. I will pray and ponder this.) Other relaxing, special end of the day activities that I/ we have used in the past that have been successful are: play dough, "cleaning" with wipes, puzzles (tho' the puzzles that are out there presently are too familiar and easy for the children , maybe). How about shaving cream? Another building set? There used to be one that they really enjoyed playing with. Also, I will talk to other teachers about this specifically. Currently, with added health precautions due to the pandemic, some things are not possible. But, some are, praise the Lord!



Quiet rebel

This post is about what rebellion can be.

We usually think of rebellion as angry, strident, vigorous refusal to obey, accept limits; and disrespect of those in authority over us. However, I was  thinking recently about what rebellion can also be:
I remember being in my 20's and articulating to myself, in my mind, "I know better" than those who made up whatever rule it was that I thought I didn't need to follow. Actually, I really think my culture (middle class  America in the 1970's; and specifically the United Methodist Church?) influenced me to think that way. Thought leaders of that era were saying that the Bible was an ancient book that had rules that applied to people back in those days, but that some of those rules were not necessary now, so we didn't have to obey those rules. It is really sad that my church did not see the problem with the attitudes of the popular culture, and formulate a way to teach that God's word is special and life-giving. Everlasting. (I went off course there, at the end; but that IS past of what happened in the Methodist Church.

When I say that, I can see how I came up with the attitude that "I know better".

What I want to say is that people with the " I know better" attitude are not considered "rebellious" and would even be insulted if someone called them that. However, I'm just saying ...