Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Well, our country seems seriously in the grip of two parties, both of which are hostage to abortion division and traditional moral standards division and corporate and big money.

I want to express here my idea for breaking the unhealthy lack of options in the political realm.

Since the constitution has  established ELECTORAL COLLEGE as inextricable part of the election of u.s. president, causing all the dynamics we've seen thru the years, I propose a third party that has as a part of its platform the stated decision that that party will NOT field a presidential or vice presidential candidate until the party has succeeded in having elected from same party one third (or some solid specific portion) of Representatives in Congress.

The reasons for this aspect of my proposal :

1.  There need to be in Congress, representatives and senators who are not bound by the powers of the two major parties and who can loosen up the grip of big money or jingoism and open up the middle ground in government negotiations.

2. Even if candidates from this proposed third party are not successful in being elected, the voters of this country need options other than the two current main parties.  I personally -as a Christian - cannot in good conscience vote for a Democrat. However, the Republican party, thru recent years (since 1973?), has become decreasingly representative of what I would want my nation's govt to be and do.

3. Recent "loyal opposition" candidacies for pres and v.p. such as Nader's and Paul's, while being launched with the truest hopes of changing the u.s. govt for the good, only muddled the outcome of those specific elections. One could conclude that the money and immense effort put into those campaigns was wasted. Money could be better spent to influence govt decisions by electing a small (but hopefully increasing) number of minority party legislators to speak for those who vote them in ( and possibly be a bridge bringing the major parties together?)

4. By focusing its (our) efforts on electing national legislature candidates to represent the wishes of those who vote them in, such a third party could perhaps change the mindset of the national psyche away from focus on the president as superstar, celebrity, savior, lightning rod.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

JULY 4,2015

july 4, 2015 just passed. whenever this holiday comes around, I feel I should try to get my unique message out: the message that we Christian Americans need to rethink the 1776 decision of our native country forefathers to rebel against the government over them-to think about how that lines up with the teachings of Jesus. This particular time includes some new events that are connected with the ideas contained in this blog. 1) The Supreme Court of the u.s. decided that the constitution compels the government to recognize homosexual marriage as marriage. 2) the deaths of 9 African americans at the hands of a racist white (young) man have caused thought leaders in this country to express that now it is time to deglorify the civil war and rename buildings and things named after famous participants in the confederacy that fought the government of the u.s. in the civil war. what I would like to add to this discussion is:  1) that our nation's idolizing of the Constitution and freedom have inevitably led to our citizens believing that freedom to engage in variant moral behavior and seeking legitimize that behavior is valid and "good"; 2) that the war that freed the slaves had to be fought because the forefathers a century earlier could not bring themselves to do the right thing at THAT time, all the while (hypocritically) speaking as noble freedom fighters. I plead with my fellow American (Christians) to reconcile the divergent parts of our history and heritage.