Friday, May 10, 2024


minority report I was part of a (phone/ zoom) Bible study this Tuesday. I had a very different opinion/ belief from the majority (vocal majority, at least). I remained pretty much silent about my beliefs. As the conversation continued, I DID formulate in my mind (the Lord gave me this?) The passage was JOHN 15:6-19, maybe. One of the main themes of passage is Jesus' call for unity of believers. (Last week's passage dwelt on our need to be attached to Jesus and gaining our lifeblood from Him.) the Methodists- who are as a denomination in the midst of disintegration about changes to the accepted theological foundations of our sect- are facing the dichotomy of unity/ disunity. the new thought was: WHAT ABOUT UNITY WITH THE FOUNDERS AND CARRIERS OF THE FAITH AND SECT IN THE PAST. WHAT ABOUT UNITY WITH OUR MAKER AND LORD?

Friday, April 19, 2024


often, when i see the word "sin" i think about the fact that in Spanish that means without. i wonder if it also in Latin is like that and if that is truly the root of the word in English. there IS another word in Latin- scandalon, but i think that like in English it more refers to the exposed sin. Those two concepts are so close, theologically: sinning, and being without God.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Shalom, Friends. This day i am watching on Houston channel 55 a group of tv preachers/ teachers. These different ones seem to be humble, sincere followers of Jesus (Yeshua). (4 teachers - independent, Catholic, independent, Church of Christ- all seeking to speak the true truth, helpful truth of God's Word.) ok, I'm listing five. Sunday mornings 6:00. Terry Anderson Lilly Grove 6:30. Jeremy Pfiels Accelerate Church 7:00. (fr.) Chapin in West Virginia 7:30. Phil of Abba's House, Tennessee 8:00. Phil Sanders church of christ we do not watch all five of these on any given Sunday (i am concerned about us followers of Jesus spending too much time consuming even wonderful "God's Word" and ending up with less time for living out His will for us.), but i like to think they are connected amongst themselves and in God's beautiful, glorious family, endeavoring to give out God's good news all over the place.

Friday, February 23, 2024


this post is about the violence being done to the English language by SOMEBODY. (I don't think I've commented on this yet.) the word "they" already had a solid specific meaning. it meant PLURAL other, third person plural. please, people, it doesn't make sense to use a word that has a specific, established meaning attaching a different meaning to it. i have read many articles in the newspaper and other public forums where the use of "they" to mean a person who wants to be called "they" had really confused the facts of the article. In newspapers especially, conveying facts is the primary job of the organization (supposedly). that makes this additional confusion caused by this kidnapping of this word so ironic.

Saturday, January 6, 2024


Devaluing the riches in your presence

This post is all a bunch of conjecture. I'm just admitting this and warning you up front.

It is about my idea that in the history of the English language, there are some words that came from Hebrew and Jewish languages that are not correctly   identified  as to "give credit" to Hebrew.
I was going to keep this maverick theory to myself, except that recently I have learned that England as well as much of Europe is living through a time ofdecrease in Christian commitment, influence, activity and observable relevance. The reasons for this decline are many, but I wonder if my theory is correct and that we are reaping harvest from that particular wrong that needs to be righted.
SHALL --- from shalom;
Salvation --- Might better be translated "shalomization"?
"robin" from "raboni"; robinhood from " chad" a group (must put discussion of "chad" first. I suspect that "Chad" from the Hebrew (pronounced "hod") is the source of hood. "chad" in Hebrew is the word used in the Shmah where it is translated as " ... the Lord your God is ONE. "Chad" means"one" there. that describes the Jews' monotheism, believing that there is only one God. Jews are very uncomfortable or rejecting of the Christian belief in Jesus as the "son of God" because they see that as Christians saying they worship more than one god. this is where the concept of the Trinity comes in. We Christians believe that God is one ("chad") and that the three parts of Him/ Them work in total agreement and unity. In GENESIS and other parts of the Bible, God DOES refer to himself in plural.